Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Recovery, Illumination, Spontaneity

The following day, we woke up early and rode back to Palampur. I took a nap while Vishal went straight to work. Ahhh, I really have been spoiled and fortunate on my travels. Then again, work is two steps in front of his house :P.

I spent that day recovering from the trek and preparing my leave for McLeod the following day. The plan was to stay in McLeod about a week, then go to Manali (and find some goddamn sheep and mountains to overtake!). And since Palampur is on the way back, I could leave my huge bag there and just take my daybag to McLeod.

That day, Vishal showed me a book that was left there by two of his previous couchsurfers: Courage - The Art of Living Dangerously, by Osho. Now, I had heard of Osho previously, and enjoyed his videos, but I can be skeptical of books with such hilarious titles. Still, I gave the book a try though. I sat down at the shop and started reading.

As it turned out, just about each and every passage, starting with the first line, made me want to burst into tears or burst out laughing. The words fell into places in my mind where they fit perfectly inside little holes that were making all the ruckous until now.

That night, more mind-shifting occured as we watched Motorcycle Diaries...


  1. just got that book on my kindle

  2. Hahaha, don't blame me if it doesn't strike a chord for you as well :P Might not be for everyone. But let me know if you have any thoughts on it, good or bad :)
